Tree from Sonnets for an Old Century
Tree bark paint treatment for a dead tree in the center of the stage for UW-Madison's University Theatre production of Sonnets for an Old Century (April 2021). The paint treatment includes three neutral colors applied in layers using a dry brushing technique. Tree built by Angie Hause (Scene Studio Carpenter) and undergraduate students, paint by Lydia Berggruen (Props Master), Scenic Design by Neil Mills.
Korean War footlockers from Clybourne Park
Two Korean war footlockers from UW-Madison's University Theatre production of Clybourne Park (November 2019). In Act I, the clean footlocker tumbles down the stairs and is dragged into the backyard where it is buried. In Act II -- 50 years later -- the "same" footlocker is dug up during home renovations. Weathering treatment includes painted rust and clumps of joint compound and moss "mud". Built, painted, and weathered by Lydia Berggruen. Materials: 5-in-1 primer, scenic paint, sandpaper, chisels, stencil brushes, joint compound, Spanish moss, vinegar, steel wool
Scenic paint samples
Four paint samples painted during Fall 2019 while auditing UW-Madison's TD 472: Scenic Painting class, taught by Rob Wagner. Samples include foliage, brick, stone, and wood grain.
Weathered guitar case from A Piece of My Heart
A traveling musicians' tweed guitar case, brought to a military base during the Vietnam War for UW-Madison's University Theatre production of A Piece of My Heart (March 2022). Weathering treatment by Lydia Berggruen. Materials: tweed acoustic guitar case, diluted scenic paints, rags, chip brushes and artist brushes
Caesar's throne from Julius Caesar
Caesar's throne from UW-Madison's University Theatre production of Julius Caesar (February 2020). The throne is finished with a flashy gold shellac and upholstered with a rich damask fabric. Designed by Keith Pitts (Scenic Designer), carpentry by Sam Wood (Props Assistant), paint treatment and upholstery by Lydia Berggruen (Props Master), production photos by Beau Meyer. Materials: 1/2" MDF, 1x4 boards (old growth), upholstery foam, damask fabric, Rust-Oleum waterproofing spray, 1/4” staples, featherweight spackle, 3M Bondo auto body filler, sandpaper, surform shaver tool, clear shellac, denatured alcohol, Krylon spray paint (paprika), Crescent bronzing powder (gilded gold color)
Monument plaque for Pompey Magnus from Julius Caesar
Aged bronze plaque from UW-Madison's University Theatre production of Julius Caesar. (February 2020). Text design by Keith Pitts (Scenic Designer), foam carving and paint treatment by Lydia Berggruen (Props Master), production photos by Beau Meyer. Materials: pink insulation foam, green glue, black plasti-dip spray, vinyl stencil cutter, x-acto knife, heated carving tool, 3M respirator, metallic spray paint, acrylic paints